
BRT Newsletter – December/January 2022 Wrap

Welcome to the BRT newsletter. This newsletter will cover the results for December and 2022 as a whole, give my best and worst rides for the month as well as a recap of some of the bigger/better wins we have had, so strap in and enjoy the read.

December Results

December was the largest monthly return of the year by some way and may be the biggest we have had since recording results. With the help of some seriously big collects (see below) we ended the month going +120 Stake!!! Hopefully we can see another month like this one in the future although it’ll take some serious luck.

To see full results click here:

2022 Results

Following on from going +278 stake profit in 2021 the bar was set at a high level to continue to match that. Come mid 2022 we were only in a small profit at +34 stake before starting to really turn up the heat in the back half of the year going +284 stake in the last 6 months. Overall finished +318 stake profit for 2022 and couldn’t be happier with the return.

Ride of the Month

Sandown Lakeside – 21/12/22

Was slow out of the gates and looked like it was gonna be a sticky ride but Kah managed to slide up the rail slowly but surely and at the 600m found herself leaders back. Turning for home Kah never left the fence and kicked away for an impressive win and in even more impressive steer.

To watch the replay click here:
Race 1 – Sandown Lakeside – Wed 21 Dec 2022 | RACING.COM

Worst Ride of the Month

Colac – 17/12/22
MOETMAN – L Riordan

Jumped to hold a spot near speed and got gun-shy straight away. Ended up looking for a spot back in field and by the 400m mark had been shuffled back to last with nowhere and gave up near 8-10L on the leader. Flew home late but was impossible to make up that much ground.

To watch the replay click here:
Race 3 – Colac – Sat 17 Dec 2022 | RACING.COM

Best Wins of the Month

Race 1 – Sandown Hillside – Sat 10 Dec 2022 | RACING.COM

Was confident they had missed this one in the market and she didn’t disappoint. Yendall parked the filly right behind the speed and coming into the turn I wasn’t sure if she had a heap in the tank but boy did she prove me wrong. She levelled up at the 250m and sailed on by to win by 3L+ pulling away.

Race 4 – Geelong – Fri 16 Dec 2022 | RACING.COM

Was one of the larger bets I’ve placed and definitely one of the bigger collects. Sat in the 1-1 and never looked like losing. Hit the front at the top of the straight and the margin only got larger winning by 5.5L and returning a whopping +68.25 stake.

Race 1 – Kilmore – Sat 14 Jan 2023 | RACING.COM

This one had everything. Sent out at $11, was backed into as short as $4 and then all of a sudden got the absolute blows late and started double figures. Gordon gave it a peach from the wide gate pushing forward to hold a spot and fell in by a head. Celebrations were put on hold as we had to survive a protest, however, all’s well that ends well.

Joke of the Month

Billy Brownless Tells His Most Inappropriate Joke Yet | Rush Hour with JB & Billy | Triple M

Message From Ben

Extremely grateful to have you all onboard as members and your continued support doesn’t go unappreciated. Here’s to many more winners!!!

Back to the jumpouts I go,
Ben @ BRT 🐎