X5.75 STAKE WIN $10


X3.75 STAKE WIN $13

Was just okay in early jump-outs I thought ENTRUSTING but had to give respect for the recent jump-out against stablemate Ndola who looks pretty smart. Ndola wasn’t asked for much but at the same time Entrusting was only asked for a short period of time and stuck on after line. Worth something at the odds and have been patient spacing the staking bets out. SCARY looked good enough against Wonder Boy. I thought looked okay against All Woke in recent, could keep responding to riding. I would keep Entrusting in the black book and if doesn’t win today back again if goes to the synthetic, same with Scary. Exotics, Athanatos, Daggers, Gigantor looked crap but could be a different horse with blinkers who knows. Hurricane Georgie looked okay first couple but not tested and the recipe wasn’t good for a couple tipped the other week, didn’t do enough in latest after line to back but I wouldn’t be against being that stable so would have to go in exotics. Moody Coleman horse Carrick didn’t show enough but they are the ones that are probably carrying bags of cement somewhere to make look slow so they can punt on and win, cement is a guess, I’m convinced the ones that look slow do carry some kind of extra weight in jump-outs and trials but obviously just a theory