X3 STAKE WIN $2.20

Was decent late first j/o. Given a long break. Looked decent against Under My Thumb who I think goes alright and Thiem behind who subs won a maiden. Recent moved up with just a little riding In Her Eyes there who has won a race and He’ll Rip who has won a few but doesn’t look to be going that well atm hence lowered stake on Winnasedge there is also BRANDJAM who could win and has looked alright but they haven’t filmed after the line again in the j/o so makes it impossible to go staking when just guessing, absolute joke and not good enough. Probably worth a saver if did go well after the line. CORA LYNN was one of mine and looks to travel well, questionable if has a turn of foot but could win and include in all exotics. ZIPLINING biggish odds and wouldn’t shock, worth couple dollars and exotics and goes in EQ. Include Express too


X5.5 STAKE WIN $2.30



I was on the fence all morning with Standing to stake or not, liked work early but then just wasn’t sure how come back, was around winners early and looked to be holding own. This prep wasn’t asked much in first j/o so didn’t read into that too much and then latest was asked against a horse who I’m not sure if any good or not, guessing whether or not that horse goes better than debut run. Decided in the end to have something because it is a trustworthy stable and maybe horses has come on fitness wise after the hit out and some in the market here haven’t shown much. Got Ichiberu who is a 9 start maiden. KIMBERLEY LILY goes in exotics, wouldn’t shock if won. Bazaball Rewarded can go in exotics for a place. The Way We Were has been in the black book since before debut but 3 goes and still a maiden is enough time to show something if was any good, goes in exotics. TEAM HEIST trainers stats on my bets are putrid so that factors into my betting but thought the horse made decent ground in a j/o behind Flash ‘n’ Dash and then was in a trial against some decent horses including Moby Dick, was asked for more of an effort but did pick up so if can do that race day might be a chance against possibly not great opp