Friday 8th January 2021

Tips provided by

TIME – 6.30PM
Not betting up big as a normal early mail because like four horses here going forward but would be filthy if I did not have something on the two above, especially because I feel they might be overs if they come for Aminatu. I think Aminatu has a good future but feel will be better suited over further. I really liked El for Efforts jump-out at Terang, she was on the outside and the jockey looked to have a nice hold and she just oozed style to my eye and looked like she would have a nice sprint if asked and a nice action. The next jump-out she only found Seven Castles too speedy but beat home Lady Delight. Lady has since won and I don’t think the stable would put her up against a horse that has already showed better than maiden ability if they did not have an opinion of her. Estoril Park had a bone chip removed since debut and looks to have come back really well if the jump-outs are a guide. Should go forward and take some catching. Ethekwini next best for exotics.
Backing El for Effort $7 saving on Estoril $3.70