X4.75 STAKE WIN $4.40

Think improved a bit with each jump-out, didn’t show much first jump-out but find the stable can do that, get them to improve with more education and fitness, I guess. Thought the recent jump-out was decent enough, wasn’t asked for much of an effort to my eye and wasn’t far off Sea Ripple, I have no idea of the Queensland form but has won four races so that has to mean something. Shiny New Deel was asked for a bit of an effort behind and probably should have finished closer than did when going to Flemington, that should be a decent benchmark for a horse who then can go to a maiden with the combination of great trainers who are very good at having horses fit enough and ready to win on debut. I wouldn’t be surprised if Silver Magnate could win, thought was okay against La Casona but then British Poet and Tycoonette were there, and they look limited at this stage. Did look to have some style though in recent jump-out but then the opp might be limited, I would save if you can and include in exotics. Divine Thoughts is the other one I will box up in exotics, have backed before and has shown some ability. Let me know if this is too late for anyone, send me a message, will save for morning in the future if too late