X3 STAKE WIN $2.30

First j/o was with King West and Rich Dottie and looked to hold own. Both of them would be hard to beat in this I would think. Next out in front and had Growing Empire there, wasn’t asked much Growing but Angel Capital goes well and was ridden a bit. Lowered the stake a fair bit because looked putrid in the trial and would normally say no staking now because there might be some inconsistency but then I thought jumped out okay after that and the tongue tie goes on so there might be a chance that was an issue, lowered the staking too because I prefer to find stable runners over some distance on debut and given a good hit-out beforehand, find from my perception stable runners that travel well in the jump-outs can not find much race day over the shorter distances but this was given a little niggle by jock late in recent and looked to be going well enough for a small stake after the line. If the early jump-outs against decent opp were a true guide would be hard to beat. Spliced can go in exotics but just wasn’t convinced much of a turn of foot but does look to have some speed but might be a bit green too, respect stable. Home track for Fortysecondstreet too so would think that can’t hurt


X2 STAKE WIN $2.25

Gets a better barrier here if they want to lead than on debut. Not beaten far on debut by a decent horse who had the better run and was able to have a better sprint. This horse was going better after the line to the eye and if they lead here today, thinking fitter and distance looks suitable with a genuine run race, would take a pretty good one to beat her I think. Low staking because already raced and usually stay away from these. LITTLE BIGHORN exotics. LOFTY ARCH exotics, could go well but hard to get a guide if a turn of foot there. MEH KEFFI was going to be a stake the other day but was scratched, this looks harder but goes in exotics and might have something the place but looks like there is some type of turn of foot there when hit with the whip. STAGE ‘N’ SCREEN goes in exotics off NZ trials, no idea how going here though because no vision